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Marinette County branch of Gabert, Williams, Konz & Lawrynk LLP

Who is Crivitzlaw?

Crlvitzlaw ls the Marinette County branch of the Fox Valley law firm, Gabert, Williams, Konz & lawrynk LLP. The firm is more than 100 years old and has solid roots in Marinette C6unty.

The senior partner, Michael Lawrynk; was born in Marinette, Wisconsin in 1969. He then lived near Crivitz for 16 months with his mother and grandmother while his father served overseas during the Vietnam War.

His Grandmother, Rachel G. Hahs, moved to Marinette County in 1939 where her and her husband, John Hahs, ran several resorts on Lake Noquebay and later owned the Loomis IGA Grocery and Feed in Loomis, Wisconsin. She later built a home on County w near Loomis which home is now the location of the Crivitzlaw office.

Attorney Lawrynk has other relatives still in the area with an uncle and cousins part of the Kotecki family living in Marinette.

The firm has four attorneys plus paralegals and other staff to serve you. The firm offers legal assistance in many areas. These include accident/injury cases, family law, divorce and child custody, real estate, probate, landlord/tenant disputes, estate planning, wills and trusts and general litigation.

We expect Crivitzlaw to have regular office hours at N6298 County Road W, Porterfield, WI by early 2024. In the meantime, we are able to accommodate clients by appointment only either at that location or at your home or business.

Call Us Today for Your Free 30-Minute Initial Consultation